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How to Wear a Neck Gaiter

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Wearing your neck gaiter with only one way?

Want to know how to wear a neck gaiter?

Come and check to see further 10 more options and use your gaiters to the maximum extent.

10 Ways to Wear a Neck Gaiter

how to wear a neck gaiter

1. Neck Scarf
Wrap your custom neck gaiter around your neck to present your logo in a trendy fashion while keeping you warm.

how to wear a neck gaiter

2. Face Mask
Start with the Neck Scarf, pull it up over your ears, nose or just below your eyes. This is an ideal selection to protect against dirt, pollen, dust, rain or cold.

how to wear a neck gaiter

3. Hood
Keep the front under your chin, and pull up to cover your head. This covers most of your head and is excellent for warm keeping and windproof.

how to wear a neck gaiter

4. The Balaclava
Start with the Hood. Remove it under the chin, turn it around and pull it up over your mouth to cover your nose. It is the best way of wearing a neck warmer in inter time.

how to wear a neck gaiter

5. Totally Tubular
Unfold the neck gaiter, put one end on your head, and then put the other side on the back of your head. Some people call it tubular bandana, and here it is.

how to wear a neck gaiter

6. Ye Ole Pirate
Tie a short knot on one end of your neck gaiter, and then you can dress like a cool pirate. Wow, this is my favorite!

how to wear a neck gaiter

7. Beanie
Grab your neck gaiter and turn its inside out. Place one end of the gaiter on the top of your head and twist. Then take the opening above the twist and pull it down over your head. It is simply like a double-layer beanie and I always wear it when sleeping.

how to wear a neck gaiter

8. The Sun Shield
Put the neck gaiter around your neck and pull the back up and over the back of your head.

how to wear a neck gaiter

9. The Headband
Wear the neck gaiter around your forehead to keep pesky hair at bay or absorb sweat when hiking. Easy peasy!

how to wear a neck gaiter

10. The Hair Tie
This one is for ladies out there. You can just simply twist the neck gaiter for couple times, and there is a hair tie for you.

Have you learned these various ways of wearing it? See our feature products below and get your oh-so-wonderful neck gaiters now and try it by yourself.

Custom Cooling Neck Gaiter
Custom Ordinary Neck Gaiter
American Flag Neck Gaiter
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